Generations | Family Lifestyle - Bellingham, WA
Every time I have clients ask for a candid lifestyle session I jump and down on the inside. I am a strong believer in capturing life, and an even stronger believer in capturing it in the raw. I think having a photograph that captures a season of your life is invaluable. Whether it is falling in love, getting married, becoming parents, or celebrating decades of making that marriage and family a success.
This family stole my heart years ago, and have been the best clients ever since. I was so excited to have the opportunity to capture them in their element, and enjoying each generation of their growing family.
Guys, I am a s u c k e r for old people. If you know me, you know this to be true. These grandparents got me right in the feels. Susanne took a short break to rock her baby, so I got some time to capture her grandparents love and talk with them. You know how you know people are still in love after decades of doing life together? They still hold hands. They make each other smile, and they bring out those teeny tiny lines around the eyes. The ones that spread like a laugh you can't keep in. I told them it may sound strange, but I loved their laugh lines, because I knew they had loved much and laughed often. He responded that his favorite are the tiny ones by the eyes, because when someone has those, they smiled with their whole face their whole life. Alright, are you ready to see this cute over load? PS if you have parents or grandparents that you would love to make memories with that are captured on camera, e-mail me!